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Public benefit


A team from Helgelandssykehuet HF under certification of crews


increased public benefit high priority

ACR is financed with a large contribution from public funds. As important as the more well-known gambling funds were the contributions from the municipality, county municipality, the Regional Committee and the then District Development Fund (today's Innovation Norway). In addition, the local community was strongly involved in the realization with its volunteer work and its optimism. It is therefore a priority goal for ACR that the facility should be a popular arena and have the greatest possible public benefit.

In the autumn of 2019, a seminar was therefore arranged at the arena where all emergency services were represented. ACR's intention was to showcase the facility and its infrastructure, and to listen to the feedback. They were undividedly positive.

In retrospect, the seminar has been followed up with a series of meetings with the agencies, and more have been added. In the 2021 season, a number of two-day professional days are planned where the agencies can test the facility and its potential.

ACR's facilities are easily accessible a short distance from the E6, airport and hotels, but are still located sheltered and with sufficient distance to buildings. ACR wants to develop this potential, and to establish a training arena for most players in Norwegian emergency preparedness.

The Home Guard's HV14 is one of ACR's partners and users of the facility


Police are testing one of the government's special vehicles at high speed

  • The police

  • The health trusts

  • Fire / Rescue

  • Avinor

  • Homeland Security

  • The main rescue center

  • Civil Defense

  • The Norwegian Coastal Administration

  • The municipalities

  • The county municipality

  • The state administration

  • Private

Another important part of the public good is to be open to the wishes and needs of the local community. The extremely snow-poor winter 2020/2021 showed many what a fantastic ski arena ACR is.


In collaboration with Bydrift at Rana municipality, ski trails were trodden with a standard cross-country skiers called "en autostrada". In addition to local trimmers, the arena has been used by active skiers from Ofoten in the north to Brønnøy in the south.


Nordlandsvupen in cross-country skiing for young people was held with great success at the arena. Practitioners from all over the county participated, the youngest only seven years old.


School classes from both primary school, secondary school and VGS have several times added activities to ACR, and have thus used the very intention of ACR: Allmennytten .

When there was no snow in the region, ACR made the entire arena available to cross-country skiers, both young and old. Here is the ski group at Bossmo & Ytteren for club training the first week in December 2020.


Arctic Circle Raceway AS

Orgnr .: 960431596 MVA

Registered in the Volunteer Register

Grassroots receiver

Adress: Ørtfjellveien 26, 8630 Storforshei

Phone:  +47 416 32802

E-mail: (daglig leder Stian Gulla)

Invoice: EHF/

© 2024 Arctic Circle Raceway AS

Webpages by Yamo & Sjursen Design

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